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About HWEN

Contact details

09 438 8366

60 Riverside Drive, Riverside, Whangārei
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Opening hours: 8am-5:15pm
Term dates: Full year model. Christmas closure dates TBC.

Our Environment

Rūma Teina

3:1 ratio. Our rūma-teina is a rich, inclusive and calm environment where our pēpi are empowered to explore and develop at their own pace. We have three kaiako who support them and ensure their mana is upheld throughout their daily care moments, rituals and play. Their day is open and closed with karakia and supported by nourishing kai made right here on site guided by Tohu Manawa Ora (Healthy Heart Awards).

Rūma Tuākana

6:1 ratio. Our rūma-tuākana mirror’s our rūma-teina in its calm and inclusive qualities with a sprinkle of inspiring activities, inquiries, and discoveries available to challenge and delight. There are four to five Kaiako who have a passion to support our tamariki to learn and grow at their own pace. Our tuākana share in rituals throughout their day such as karakia, coming together on the whāriki, meal-times, music, dance, art, water-play and more. We embrace te taiao and explore our outdoor environment in all weather, immersing ourselves within the many learning opportunities it provides us throughout the seasons.


He Waka Eke Noa Early Learning Centre is a whānau orientated community-based centre that embraces and celebrates whakawhānaungatanga, kotahitanga, kaitiakitanga, manaakitanga and rangatiratanga.


To provide a rich, inclusive space where upholding the mana of our tamariki, their whānau, and our kaiako is at the heart of all we do.

To reduce barriers so that education opportunities are within reach for every learner.

To continue to develop, strengthen and invest in our team, ensuring our tamariki are prepared for the extraordinary world ahead.

To continue to intentionally engage with our whānau and the wider community. Belonging and connection are essential ingredients in growth and development.

To continue to develop more environmentally sustainable practices. As a centre we are working towards our bronze award alongside enviroschools and are enjoying building a culture where we celebrate and care for our taiao.

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Centre gallery