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Fees & payment


Under 3 Full day option only (8-5:15pm)
Meal Charge included
Over 3 – Full day option only (ECE Hours) Meal charge for over 3
$55.00 per day $7.50 per hour $5.00 per day

There is an additional $50 administration fee charged annually in April


Discover is our student management system. You are required to have a pin to sign your tamaiti/tamariki in and out each day. Once a week Discover will send you an email to verify the hours that your tamaiti/tamariki have attended. It is a requirement of the Ministry of Education that you do this.

Discover is also where you will be invoiced from. If you have any questions surrounding this please see Bex or Annette.

Banking details

He Waka Eke Noa Early Learning Centre Incorporated

Please reference your childs name